Hession, S., & Moore, N. (forthcoming). A Spatial Regression Analysis of the Influence of Topography on Monthly Rainfall in East Africa. International Journal of Climatology.
Washington-Ottombre, C., Pijanowski, B., Campbell, D., Olson, J., Maitima, J., Musili, A., Kibaki, T., Kaburu, H., Hayombe, P., Owango, E., Irigia, B., Gichere, S., & Mwangi, A. (2010, March). Using a role-playing game to inform the development of land-use models for the study of a complex socio-ecological system. Agricultural Systems 103(3), 117–126. doi:10.1016/j.agsy.2009.10.002
Moore, N., Alagarswamy, G., Pijanowski, B., Thornton, P., Olson, J., Lofgren, B., Andresen, J., & Campbell, D. (2009). Food production risks associated with land use change and climate change in East Africa. Earth and Environmental Science, Vol 6. IOP Publishing Ltd. doi:10.1088/1755-1307/6/4/342003
Doherty, R. M ., Sitch, S., Smith, B., Lewis, S. L., & Thornton, P. K . (2009). Implications of future climate and atmospheric CO2 content for regional biogeochemistry, biogeography and ecosystem services across East Africa. Global Change Biology. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2009.01997.x
Moore, N., Torbick, N., Lofgren, B., Wang, J., Pijanowski, B., Andresen, J., Kim, DY, & Olson, J. (2009, August 24). Adapting MODIS-derived LAI and fractional cover into the RAMS in East Africa. International Journal of Climatology, Published Online, DOI: 10.1002/joc.2011
Torbick, N., Ge, J. & Qi, J. (2009, February). Changing Surface Conditions at Kilimanjaro Indicated from Multiscale Imagery. Mountain Research and Development 29(1) pp. 5-13. Available at:
Moore, N., Pijanowski, B., Lofgren, B., & Alagarswamy, G. (2008). Landscape feedbacks, Climate Change, and Food Production Risk in East Africa, Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract GC53B-0727.
Moore, N., Pijanowski, B., Lofgren, B., Alagarswamy, G., Andresen, J., & Olson, J. (2008). Modeling Future Land Use, Regional Climate, and Maize Yields in East Africa, EOS Trans AGU, 88(52) Fall Meet. Supp., B43H-07, San Francisco, CA, 2007.
Alagarswamy, G., Moore, N., Lofgren, B., Pijanowski, B., Thornton, P., Olson, J. M., Andresen, J., Yanda, P. Z., & Qi, J., (2008). Food Production Impacts of Climate Change and Land Use Change in East Africa, Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract GC53B-0730.
Thornton, P.K., Jones, P.G., Alagarswamy, G., & Andresen, J. (2008). Spatial variation of crop yield response to climate change in East Africa. Global Environmental Change. Available at:
Thornton, P., Jones, P., Farrow, A., Alagarswamy, G., & Andresen, J. (2008, October). Crop Yield Response to Climate Change in East Africa: Comparing High Lands and Lowlands. Magazine of the International Human Dimensions Program (IHDP) on Global Environmental Change. 2, pp. 23-26. Available at:
Alexandridis, K., Pijanowski, B. C., & Zhen, Lei. (2007). Assessing Multi-Agent Parcelization Performance in the MABEL Simulation Model using Monte Carlo Replication Experiments. Environment and Planning B, 34, pp.223-244.
Conway, D., Hanson, C. E., Doherty, R., & Persechinon, A. (2007). GCM simulations of the Indian Ocean dipole influence on East African rainfall: Present and future. Geophysical Research Letters, 34, L03705. doi:10.1029/2006GL027597
Olson, J., Alagarswamy, G., Andresen, J., Campbell, D., Davis, A., Ge, J., Huebner, M., Lofgren, B., Lusch, D., Moore, N., Pijanowski, B., Qi, J., Thornton, P., Torbick, N., & Wang, J. (2008). Integrating Diverse Methods to Understand Climate-Land Interactions in East Africa. GeoForum. 39, pp.898-911.
Smucker, T., Campbell, D., Olson, J., & Wangui, E. (2007). Contemporary challenges of participatory field research for land use change analyses: Examples from Kenya. Field Methods. 19(4), 384-406. doi: 10.1177/1525822X07302137
Ge, J., Qi, J., Lofgren, B., Moore, N., Torbick, N., & Olson, J., (2006). Impacts of land use/cover classification accuracy on regional climate simulations, Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, D05107. doi:10.1029/2006JD007404.
Torbick, N., Qi, J., Lusch, D., Olson, J., Moore, N., & Ge, J. (2006, October 10). Developing land use/land cover and parameterization for climate and land modeling in East Africa. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 27(19), 4227-4244.
Xue, L., & Yang, L. (2006). Additive coefficient modeling via polynomial spline. Statistica Sinica 16(4), 1423-1446.
Xue, L. & Yang, L. (2006). Estimation of semiparametric additive coefficient model. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 136(8), 2506-2534.
Yang, L., Park, B. U., Xue, L., & Härdle, W. (2006). Estimation and testing for varying coefficients in additive models with marginal integration. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 101(475), 1212-1227.
Campbell, D., Lusch, D., Smucker, T., & Wangui, E. (2005, December). Multiple Methods in the Analysis of Driving Forces of Land Use and Land Cover Change: A Case Study from SE Kajiado District Kenya. Human Ecology, 33(6), 763-794. doi: 10.1007/s10745-005-8210-y
Lei, Z., Pijanowski, B., & Alexandridis, K. (2005). Distributed Modeling Architecture of a Multi Agent-based Behavioral Economic Landscape (MABEL) Model. Simulation and Modeling International, 81(7), 503-515.
Zhen Lei, Pijanowski, B., & Olson, J. (2005). Distributed Modeling Architecture of a Multi-Agent-Based Behavioral Economic Landscape (MABEL) Model. Simulation, 81(7), 503-515.
Hession, S. L., Shortridge, A. M., & Torbick, N. M. (2006). Categorical models for spatial data uncertainty. In Mário Caetano and Marco Painho(Eds.), Proceedings of Accuracy 2006 (pp. 386-395). Lisbon, Portugal: Instituto Geográfico Português. (ISBN 972-8867-27-1).
Ge, J., Qi, J., & Torbick, N. (2005, July 25-29). Biophysical Evaluation of Five Land Covers. Proceedings at the 25th International Geoscience and Remote Sensing. Symposium, IEEE, Seoul, Korea.
Lofgren, B. M., Moore, N., Andresen, J., Olson, J., Campbell, D., & Pijanowski, B. (2005, January 12). CLIP: Investigating Human-Climate Interactions in East Africa. 85th annual Meeting, American Meteorological Society, 16th Conference on Climate Variability and Change, San Diego, Calif.
Moore, N., Lofgren, B., & Andresen, J. (2005, January 12). CLIP: Modeling Land Use Change and Precipitation in Eastern Africa. American Meteorological Society, 19th Conf. on Hydrology, San Diego, Calif.
Qi, J., Ge, J., Torbick, N., & Moore, N. (2005, July 25-29). Land Cover Impacts on Climate Simulations. Proceedings at the 25th International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IEEE, Seoul, Korea.
Torbick, N., Lusch, D., Olson, J., Ge, J., & Qi, J. (2005, July 25-29). Evaluation of land use land cover for climate – land modeling using videography. Proceedings at the 25th International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IEEE, Seoul, Korea.
Wang, J., & Yang, L. (2005, June). Spline condence bands and testing the trend of the leaf area index in East Africa. The International Chinese Statistical Association Applied Statistics Symposium, Washington, D.C.
Moore, N., Lofgren, B., & Andresen, J. (2004, September 27-29). Modeling Land Use Change and Precipitation in East Africa. The CLIP Project. NASA ESSN Symposium, Water and Energy Session, College Park, Maryland.
Xue, L., & Yang, L. (2004, July). Additive cofficient modelling of autoregressive time series. The Sixth International Chinese Statistical Association International Conference, Singapore.
CLIP panel session “Climate-Land Interaction in East Africa: The Effects of Land Use and Global Climate Change on Climate and Farming Systems,” Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Boston, March 2008.
Moore, N., Lofgren, B., Andresen, J., Olson, J., Ray, D., Pijanowski, B., & Torbick, N. (2008). Simulations of Climate Variability Resulting from Projected Land Cover Change in East Africa. Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Chicago IL, 7-11 March 2006.
Olson, J., Alagarswamy, G., Thornton, P., & Andresen, J. (2008, March). The Impact of Climate Change on Agricultural Productivity and Rural Communities in East Africa. Paper presented at the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Boston.
Olson, J. M. (2008, January 17). Climate Change Adaptation for the Developing World: Expanding Africa’s Climate Change Resilience. National Council for Science and the Environment’s 8th national conference “Climate Change: Science and Solutions,” Washington, D.C.
Pijanowski, B., Washington-Ottombre, C., Campbell, D., Olson, J., Moore, N., & Alexandridis, K (2007, December). Pluralistic Modeling Approaches to Simulating Climate-Land Change Interactions in East Africa. Paper presented at MODSIM 2007 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Christchurch, Australia.
Hession, S. L., Shortridge, A. M., & Torbick., N. M. (2006, July 5-7). Categorical models for spatial uncertainty. Paper presented at the Seventh International Symposium on Spatial Accuracy Assessment in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, Lisbon, Portugal.
Hession, S. L., Torbick, N. M., & Shortridge, A. M. (2006, October 26-28). Spatiotemporal Analysis of Precipitation in East Africa. Poster session presented at the Multivariate Methods in Environmetrics Conference, Chicago, IL.
Ottombre-Washington, C., Pijanowski, B., Alexandridis, K., Campbell, D., & Olson, J. (2006, November 4-8). Using participatory Bayesian Belief Networks, Role Playing Simulation and Agent-Based Models to Understand Land Use. Poster presented at Beijing, China.
Wang, J., & Yang, L. (2005, October). Derivation of Phenological Information for Improved Regional Climate Modeling. Poster presented at the NISS/SAMSI Workshop on Collaborations in the Mathematical Geosciences, Research Triangle Park, NC.
Pijanowski, B. (2006, May 6-9). Land use change patterns around the world’s Great Lakes. Keynote presented at the International Association of Great Lakes Researchers.
Andresen, J. A. (2005, February 25). “Integrated Analysis of Regional Land Climate Interactions in East Africa”. Invited seminar presented for Northern Illinois University Dept. of Geography.
Wang, J. (2005, October 6-7). Derivation Of Phenological Information For Improved Regional Climate Modeling. NISS/SAMSI Workshop on Collaborations in the Mathematical Geosciences.
Wang, J., & Yang, L. (2005, August). Spline Confidence Bands for Leaf Area Index. The Joint Statistical Meeting Minneapolis, MN.
Xue, L., & Yang, L. (2005, August). Additive coefficient modeling via polynomial spline. The Joint Statistical Meeting Minneapolis, MN.
Ge, J. (2007). Improving Regional Climate Modeling in East Africa Using Remote Sensing Products. Doctoral Dissertation, Michigan State University, Dept. of Geography. East Lansing, MI.
Torbick, N. M. (2007). Assessing invasive plant infestation in freshwater wetlands. Doctoral Thesis, Michigan State University, Dept. of Geography. East Lansing, MI.
Wang, J. (2006). The application of B-Spline Smoothing: Confidence Bands and Additive Modelling. Doctoral Dissertation, Michigan State University, Dept. of Geography. East Lansing, MI.
The Effects of Climate and Land Use Change on Climate and Agricultural Systems in Tanzania
CLIP Policy Workshop, June 24, 2008, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania.
The Effects of Climate and Land Use Changes on Climate and Agricultural Systems in Kenya
CLIP Policy Workshop, 26 June 2008, Nairobi, Kenya.
Implications of Climate Change on Rangeland Productivity in Kenya
CLIP Policy Brief.
Jones, P.G. & Thornton, P.K. (2009). Croppers to livestock keepers: Livelihood transitions to 2050 in Africa due to climate change. Environmental Science & Policy, 12(427-437).
“Addressing the Impact of Climate Change on Agricultural Systems in East Africa” is a new project funded by a Rockefeller Foundation grant. CLIP and Eaclipse researchers at Michigan State University and in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda will study the impact of climate change on agricultural systems in East Africa.
Rockefeller Foundation Project news reports are available at: